Learn to create bouncing ball flash animation for beginners!

Learn to create bouncing ball flash animation for beginners!

If you are new to learning animation, this is the best tutorial to get you started! Every animator starts to learn animation by creating a bouncing ball animation. In this video tutorial, I'll guide you to use an animation software called Adobe Flash (version CS4 and above) from creating the file all the way to finishing your bouncing ball Flash animation. So what are you waiting for? Start up your Adobe Flash and lets get started! Learn Flash Animation Basics The videos are created in high definition (HD) format so you can view exactly how I created the animation. I have split this tutorial into 4 videos. At any point of time, if you have already learn how to do certain steps, feel free to skip to the next video. Nevertheless, I still encourage you to watch it because sometimes I'll include some very "tiny mini" tips for animation production which are common industry practices that schools don't teach! #1/4 Draw circle in Flash for bouncing ball tutorial (4:50min)   #2/4 Learn to convert shapes into symbols and usage of symbols in Flash (4:55min)   #3/4 Learn to create motion tween and key frames for Flash Animation (4:04min)   #4/4 Learn to create Bouncing effect using Motion Editor in Flash (7:36min) The tutorial videos include short cut keys mainly for Mac O/S users. I'm not bias but based on my current class, 7 out of 8 students are using Macbook Pro. This is why I put more emphasis on Mac shortcuts. If you are a Windows O/S user, fear not! When you see Cmd (command) keys, it is equivalent to...
Learn how to move entire Flash animation on the stage

Learn how to move entire Flash animation on the stage

Now that I've created my Flash animation on the timeline, I realized that I need to edit my animation by shifting the animation's position. The problem here is that when I move the first keyframe, the rest of the animation did not move together. It will be very tedious and time consuming to move the entire key frames manually one by one. This tutorial will share with you how to move, scale and rotate your entire animation as one object in Adobe Flash (Works on almost all Flash versions).   Step One: Selection First, select the entire animation on the timeline. If you have multiple layers of animation that should move as one object, select them too. You can do so by Left-clicking the first top left frame, hold down shift, and click on the last frame. When all the cells are highlighted in blue, it means you have selected these cells. Step Two: Copy Frames With the cells selected, right click above the selected cells to bring out the options. Click on the Copy frames. You can also press the short cut keys, Command + Alt + C to copy frames.    Step Three: Create a new symbol Create a new empty symbol by clicking on the new symbol icon in library panel's bottom menu.  You can choose graphic symbol or movie symbol, depending on the usage of symbols. Give it an appropriate name that your can understand. I normally name it by giving its name, followed by its action, e.g, greenBall_bouncing or rightHand_swing. Noticed that if your object name has two words, the second word's first letter...

Need help in animation?

Step By Step Checklist To Realistic Animation (Printable Version)

Use this cheat sheet to help you monitor your animation progress. I've also included check points to help you apply principle of animation which will make your animation looks realistic.

Need help in animation?

Step By Step Checklist To Realistic Animation (Printable Version)

Use this cheat sheet to help you monitor your animation progress. I've also included check points to help you apply principle of animation which will make your animation looks realistic.